Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hiatus...AGAIN! :(

Well, folks, as you can probably guess, circumstances have not been favorable in my life for podcasting lately..through the months of May and June my mom and brother both were stricken with nasty bouts of pneumonia, and I myself people picked up a nasty, protracted case of the flu.  In addition, I've been having some eye troubles that are just now starting to get resolved.  Long story short, Abnormal State Theatre can be considered as on hiatus until further notice.  If I can get a July episode up I will, but don't hold your breath.  The show may also undergo a massive re-tooling to make it easier to produce, but that remains to be seen.  I still intend to do the Cardiac Yak Track, but instead of being a completely separate podcast, it will be a subset of this one...and hopefully I can wrangle up some guests to do those episodes with me. Anyway, my apologies for being out of touch, and hopefully I'll be back on the pod waves soon...


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