Saturday, April 30, 2016

Um...disregard my last transmission...

As my ill fortune (the key word being ILL) would have it, April was not a good month for podcasting...there was not a point during the month where at least two of the three people in my household weren't suffering from the flu, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, etc...I had April's Abnormal State Theatre recorded fairly early in the month, but was unable to get down to editing it until the last couple of days...It should be ready to drop tomorrow--er--well, I guess tomorrow's today any case, by the evening of May 1 it should be up.

The Cardiac Yak Track is still under development, having also suffered setbacks due to the aforementioned circumstances...I'm regrouping for possibly a late spring/early summer launch.

To those precious few who call themselves fans of the show, I apologize sincerely and thank you for your continued patience.


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