Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Update...a bit of a rocky start

Well, I was hoping to make this a semi-monthly podcast, but it looks like until real life eases up on me a bit, I'll be doing this on a monthly basis, releasing each episode around the first of the month.  Hopefully, before the summer is over I'll have this blog whipped into shape as well, including a dedicated e-mail address where listeners can post their questions, comments, and/or snide remarks.  I'm working on getting a co-host as well...if I can get him talked into watching crappy movies and talking about them into a microphone, then I'll likely incorporate some changes to the format of the show, but that all remains to be seen.  If anyone who's reading this has listened to the first episode, you have my heartfelt thanks and my apologies for my stilted delivery and lack of mixing's been a while since I've done any podcasting, and it'll probably take me a few episodes to get my touch back.  This is basically a labor of love for me, and I hope to ultimately deliver the best podcast I can.


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